What's up everyone? So FINALLY, I'm crazy excited to say that I've made the purchase; the D90 will be in on friday!!! I ended up getting it through b&h photo for about 100$ bucks cheaper than ritz along with getting another 50$ buckaroos off on a standard 18-105mm lens. So if you do the math (not to be mistaken with meth) I guess you could say I basically got the 3 years warranty for free which was a sweet deal. I'm really anxious for it to come in, it's pretty much been on my wish list since January, but I've had the time to do my research and I'm ready to mess around with the setting and different exposures and such. I really want to mess around with HDR (high dynamic range) photography; thankfully, my beautiful camera supports RAW files which will allow me to bring the files into photoshop and have some fun. Needless to say, look out for some sweet pictures and projects I should be posting within the month :)

In some more great news season 5 of the showtime series, Weeds, kicked off tonight, woohoo! I gotta say, if you haven't given it a shot yet please, I strongly encourage everyone to watch a few episodes you'll probably be completely obsessed with it..or at least like it.
Also, incase you're looking for some more sweet news head over to haadcore.blogspot.com/ ...I recently started writing a sunday blog for them called SMOKY SUNDAYS! ha, well that's all for now...
Peace & Love.
Dude I just finished season 3 and I cannot wait to catch up on this shit. Good show