Tuesday, August 18, 2009
big fish
I'm about to watch it for the first time; and yes I'm ashamed that I haven't seen it up until now. Well another Burton masterpiece, here we go!
Monday, August 3, 2009
too hot to do anything
So I'm going to say that living in florida in the summer is a terrible idea. It's unbelievably hot & thanks to school taking up 90% of my time, it's also completely BUSY. The combination of these unfortunate up comings is the reason to why I haven't blogged in a while. I've been so consumed by school and other projects that I unfortunately don't have the time; which makes me really sad because I know some of my family & friends do check it.
Beside that I'm in my first day of make-up for motion pictures and so far it seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what some of my peers will do.
Incase you were wondering, my smokey sunday blog has come to an end :/ With no time to even write for my blog you can see why I had to say my goodbye's to HAADCORE. No worries though I have a few ideas in the mix and hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be launching my own website, which will feature a blog section that included numerous writers/bloggers.
Anyway, I guess it's best if for me to start paying uh ten shun :p
Peace & Love.
Beside that I'm in my first day of make-up for motion pictures and so far it seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what some of my peers will do.
Incase you were wondering, my smokey sunday blog has come to an end :/ With no time to even write for my blog you can see why I had to say my goodbye's to HAADCORE. No worries though I have a few ideas in the mix and hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be launching my own website, which will feature a blog section that included numerous writers/bloggers.
Anyway, I guess it's best if for me to start paying uh ten shun :p
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
i know, i know..
ok, so I know I've pretty much been sucking at the whole blog thing but I can't lie it's been a bit busy. In fact, it's been so busy that I really don't have the energy to brain power to try and write a decent blog so I figure today I'll take a new approach... I know I've mentioned my D90 before but I have yet to post any pictures; well the wait is over! Here is a bunch of photo's I've taken with the new cam :) The photos show what I've been up to from the start of summer break up to this week!

Spent a few days in Boston :)

Shayna's grad party!

Some shots from the set of Mini This..

Spent a few days in Boston :)
Shayna's grad party!
Some shots from the set of Mini This..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
like whoa.
So if you're an avid reader then you've probably been thinking why I haven't posted so long; truth is I've been hella busy. This month has been pretty much dedicated to Full Sail. All month ive had class except on Sundays, which has sucked greatly. Good thing about this month was that we finally were taught after effects!!! Right now so many people that are coming up in the industry are all about motion graphics so I was really excited to learn it, unfortunately when you learn something such as AE in a school environment you don't necessarily learn it the way you'd hoped you would. Either way its been a hectic month and I can't wait for my next vacation...for those of you who have a life and don't go to Full Sail, that will start June 26th. I'm really excited to be going home this time more so than usually because my roommate, Brooke, is coming up with me and we plan on making the trip one big party :) But of course, I miss everyone back home as well and it will be fun to be back in New England!!!
If you follow regularly you must be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures off my D90 and the reason for that is, b&h photo sent my camera to its billing address (back in Mass) rather than the SHIPPING address so, my camera is unfortunately at my parents house. Of course when I found this out I was furious, but we don't have to get into that... Needless to say, there's another reason I can't wait to get out of this damn city and get home!
Well that's all I got for you as of now, I have to get back to After Effects and editing. Today all of our projects we've worked on from last month (digital cinematography) are due so I've just been cuttin and choppin these past few days like mad. Thankfully tomorrow we have no classes and I plan on getting a bunch of people together and heading down to Cocoa Beach for some fun-in-the-sun and possibly even a little cookout right on the beach! Well wish me luck and as always,
Peace & Love.
If you follow regularly you must be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures off my D90 and the reason for that is, b&h photo sent my camera to its billing address (back in Mass) rather than the SHIPPING address so, my camera is unfortunately at my parents house. Of course when I found this out I was furious, but we don't have to get into that... Needless to say, there's another reason I can't wait to get out of this damn city and get home!
Well that's all I got for you as of now, I have to get back to After Effects and editing. Today all of our projects we've worked on from last month (digital cinematography) are due so I've just been cuttin and choppin these past few days like mad. Thankfully tomorrow we have no classes and I plan on getting a bunch of people together and heading down to Cocoa Beach for some fun-in-the-sun and possibly even a little cookout right on the beach! Well wish me luck and as always,
Peace & Love.
Monday, June 8, 2009
insert up-beat sound clip here
What's up everyone? So FINALLY, I'm crazy excited to say that I've made the purchase; the D90 will be in on friday!!! I ended up getting it through b&h photo for about 100$ bucks cheaper than ritz along with getting another 50$ buckaroos off on a standard 18-105mm lens. So if you do the math (not to be mistaken with meth) I guess you could say I basically got the 3 years warranty for free which was a sweet deal. I'm really anxious for it to come in, it's pretty much been on my wish list since January, but I've had the time to do my research and I'm ready to mess around with the setting and different exposures and such. I really want to mess around with HDR (high dynamic range) photography; thankfully, my beautiful camera supports RAW files which will allow me to bring the files into photoshop and have some fun. Needless to say, look out for some sweet pictures and projects I should be posting within the month :)

In some more great news season 5 of the showtime series, Weeds, kicked off tonight, woohoo! I gotta say, if you haven't given it a shot yet please, I strongly encourage everyone to watch a few episodes you'll probably be completely obsessed with it..or at least like it.
Also, incase you're looking for some more sweet news head over to haadcore.blogspot.com/ ...I recently started writing a sunday blog for them called SMOKY SUNDAYS! ha, well that's all for now...
Peace & Love.

In some more great news season 5 of the showtime series, Weeds, kicked off tonight, woohoo! I gotta say, if you haven't given it a shot yet please, I strongly encourage everyone to watch a few episodes you'll probably be completely obsessed with it..or at least like it.
Also, incase you're looking for some more sweet news head over to haadcore.blogspot.com/ ...I recently started writing a sunday blog for them called SMOKY SUNDAYS! ha, well that's all for now...
Peace & Love.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
give it up for NO DOUBT ya'll
So if you've been reading you'd know that i hit up the no doubt show over in tampa and I have to say, WOW! I expected that the show was going to be awesome, but I was wrong it was fucking fantastic. Everything down to the wardrobe, to back drop, to the overall energy was completely on point. I've been to a lot of really great shows, but honestly No Doubt takes it; Gwen Stefani is by far one of my favorite people on Earth.
Didn't have a camera at the show but luckily my new enV3 came in and I was able to grab a few decent shots. Check em out:

As for school I just started Documentary and Editing class so it should be a good month. Also as I stated earlier, I finally have the enV3 so if you were having trouble getting in touch with me it should be no problemo now :) Keep it real, and as always..
Peace & Love
Didn't have a camera at the show but luckily my new enV3 came in and I was able to grab a few decent shots. Check em out:

As for school I just started Documentary and Editing class so it should be a good month. Also as I stated earlier, I finally have the enV3 so if you were having trouble getting in touch with me it should be no problemo now :) Keep it real, and as always..
Peace & Love
Saturday, May 23, 2009
feels good to be home!
as always. Last night hit we all hit up club hell, unfortunately it lacked the presence of its usual crowd making it pretty lame.
(here's a pic of me and my sister Shayna that was taken at some point last night, couldn' tell exactly which one though)

We took off around 1230 then we headed back to good ol' Jon's house for some toke :) As for tonight I plan on heading to Sam's house for a fire and some good times with some of my favorite people. Well, this is gonna be a short one cos im getting hungry and there is some beautiful cale soup from Academica waiting for me in my kitchen :p
Peace & Love.
(here's a pic of me and my sister Shayna that was taken at some point last night, couldn' tell exactly which one though)

We took off around 1230 then we headed back to good ol' Jon's house for some toke :) As for tonight I plan on heading to Sam's house for a fire and some good times with some of my favorite people. Well, this is gonna be a short one cos im getting hungry and there is some beautiful cale soup from Academica waiting for me in my kitchen :p
Peace & Love.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
oh, was that the week that just flew by?
BUSSSSSSSY, yep that's me. Started monday with day 1 of shooting the free form and it went very well considering how the weather completely through us off schedule, but the team kicked ass and we still managed to pull of 24 shots, saweeet! Tuesday was our "day off" although between the weather and shit that had to get done I was everywhere. Hit up the mall, got some bagels donated for the shoot, cleaned, booked my flight and some paper work also got did. Wednesday was day 2, still couldn't shoot outside, but got some more great stuff recorded. Downside, dropped my phone in a puddle where it remained for the next few hours... thankfully, good ol' Kemuel had an extra phone so I went down to Verizon and got it activated for a sweet 26 bucks; still can't wait for that enV3 to get here! (Release date finally released; May 29th) Today, had our camera specs in DCI; of course, Brooke and I kicked ass and walked away with a billion ;)
Here's some pics from the shoot:

(hey ya'll quit it!)

As for tomorrow it's off to MA! Flight leaves O-town around 7:30am by breakfast i'll be sippin on some delicious coffee milk <3>
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
for a week, no class?
Unbelievable; somehow I managed to get this whole week off due to shooting schedules for the rest of class and I have to say, it's been fantastic. Sunday we shot our commercial and I think it came out really good. Everyone worked together and there were no major arguments which made for a smooth day. Since then I've pretty much just been catching up on sleep, weeds, cleaning, and sitting under the sun.

In a very spontaneous hippy thought yesterday I decided to go get a tattoo, it was something I had in mind for a while now; here's a picture to settle your curiosity...

I got it down at chicago tattoo by a really nice guy name santoz who was very happy to take my tattoo virginity. Called moms and told her and lets just say she wasn't too thrilled haha, but hey what can ya do now ;)
Anyway, I'm off to get some food shopping done and then to the post office to mail my inebriated sister her camera that she forgot in a drunken fit...
Peace & Love.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
damien rice- creep (cover)
awesome cover, I suggest immediate download. Anyway, its been a while since I last posted but basically just been up to the same old. School's been time consuming, loans have been stressful, distance has sucked, and well some stuff has come out between friends. Tomorrow, well considering the time, later today, were shooting our DC commercial and I gotta say it feels pretty good. Although sometime our group tends to butt(?) heads I think we'll be alright. Well, I'm off to bed, big day starts in a few hours; good thing it's expected I'll be wearing a cap, ha.
p.s. I started watching weeds and I'm just about done with the first season, so good. Seriously comrades, give it a shot.
Peace & Love.
Monday, April 27, 2009
happy days
so today pre-sale tickets for this summers up-coming incubus show finally went on sale and you know I was all over it! The show is going to be down in Tampa, august 15th and the wait will be a long one. Not only are they one of the most talented bands of our generation, but lead singer Brandon Boyd is, well you know, ridiculously good-looking. I have to admit, it's nice to know that I'll be attending two (also going to the no doubt show) of this summers best concerts :)
As for school and such, all is relatively the same, busy busy. May will be jam packed, gaffing on a short film, directing part of a commercial, and being 1st AD on a music video, yay! With that said I think I'm cutting back on the ganja due to lack of mulla. I know, crazy, right? But the fund for the D90 has begun, let's see how long it takes until the beautiful piece of cam is in my hands! (wish me luck on the not smoking so much part)
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
calm after the storm
so back to classes this week and it sucks! Break has definitely had an impact on my sleeping habits. I find myself waking up in a panic that I've over slept my alarm.
In brighter news it feels good to be back in the warmth weather and its awesome to have my sister, Shayna, down. We've pretty much been raging out; Saturday we went to a 3oh!3 CD signing down at Park Ave Records then went to the AP show they were headlining down at the House of Blues. Of course, 3oh!3 rocked it! Big ups to Family Force 5 as well, I hadn't heard their stuff before the show but they definitely know how to get a party started.
As for the rest of the week its pretty much school and hangin. Today were heading down to Millennia Mall, perhaps Rebounderz tomorrow night :) I'm pretty much down for anything the main goal of the week is to make sure Shayna has a good time, which so far I think I've accomplished.
Reminder: THIS SATURDAY WINE&CHEESE PARTY - dress semi-formal and bring your favorite bottle of wine or favorite type of cheese!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
my mother
absolutely drives me crazy. she stresses about each and every little thing. I don't know how one can possibly care so much about such ridiculous matters. I love coming home to Massachusetts, but every time I come back its a reminder of how much I don't want to move back in with my parents. If ya feel me can I get a YEA-YEA !
Peace & Love.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
are a bitch, especially in massachusetts! So I go to this organization that processes everything free of charge and of course I get landed with the old geezer whose sense of humor is way off. Guy starts joking around with me because federal is taxing my ass; I don't know about you but making jokes about my money isn't really a knee slapper for me. Anyway I'm making out okay, not really as much as I thought I'd be getting but hey what can ya do, right.
On another note, tonight I think I'm going to catch the newest friday the 13th movie over at the dollar theatre in Seekonk. Before making the trip up there I'm definitely in need for some green, so I'm off to blow some trees with some friends.
Peace & Love.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
massachusetts <3
it's good to be back home!!! Temperature drop kinda sucks but other than that life is good. Tonight I'm partying it up with the fam in celebration of my cousin Sandy's recent engagement! Should be a night of delicious food, great people, lots of drinks, and of course flaming dance moves. After that probably heading to a house party or maybe i'll just kick back with some friends and blow trees. Anyway, catch me on the flip...
Peace & Love.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Nikon D400?
I've recently been researching DSLR's and have been leaning toward the nikon d90 but during my research today I discovered a rumor that has been circling around the digital photography world; apparently nikon will soon be releasing an upgrade from the D300. If you want to look at some of the suspected specs check out this website:
If anyone has any input on this or anything related to DSLR's please post a comment I'm trying to find out as much as possible.
Peace & Love.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
sitting in class
and yes, it's a sunday. This past week has been a long one and it's not even over yet. My next day off will be saturday the 11th, when i'm in Massachusetts for break. Huh, vacation seems like forever away.
In brighter news, yesterday a new member of the family was born, Zooey Cynthia Medeiros, weighing in at 6 pounds and measuring 20 inches long. She's healthy and beautiful and I'm told the labor wasn't too bad. I'm excited to go home and meet the little critter, it's been about 7 years since a new member of the family was brought in.
Also my brother Derek was released this week after finishing up his unfair 4 month sentence. I can't wait to go home and see everybody it's going to be just the break I need from this school.
Well, I suppose I should pay attention to this oh-so-important sunday lecture.
Peace & Love.
Monday, March 30, 2009
plane rides, camera's & some things I love
Hello! So today I started my directing class and after about an hour and a half of having everyone (83 students) introduce themselves we were all let out. Before getting released she handed out our schedules at which point I was ecstatic to find out that I'm done with class at 1 next friday. Of course, I quickly hopped online and changed my flight so now I'll be getting in a day earlier then originally planned :) Needless to say I think I'm going to like this class. In the time that I did spend in class pretending to listen to where everyone came from and why they got into film (which is becoming such an annoying question) I also started doing some research on the Nikon D90; it is now my new obsession. Here's a couple of ads I liked...

This is one of my best friends, Lellean, she's beautiful inside and out and I don't know if I could be where I am today without her. She's crazy, spontaneous, caring and truly blunt (pun intended) A long time ago I think we both realized that the world just wouldn't be as fun without the both of us in it. Anyway, I really miss her and can't wait to go back home and enjoy life.

So with this new obsession to explore I decided to bring up one of my old accounts on an imagine hosting site; probably the best thing I could have done. I found some great photos that I haven't looked at in a while.

This is Ziggy, he was one of the puppies my older dog Diamond had. He was sold into prostitution against my will, thanks mom.

As far as the rest of my day goes I think I'll start working on my story pitch for tomorrow's Digital Cinematography class. I have no ideas as of now, but I think I'm going to try and write a comedy piece. Once I get done with that I'm thinking about working out for an hour or so. Then I suppose I'll finish off the night with some friends and some greens.
Peace & Love.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
weird week
this week everything felt really off. I'm not sure what it is really but I feel like it's going away. Besides that I really can not wait until I get to fly back to Mass. This Tuesday is when I'll finally have my full schedule for these next two months so I'm pretty much just waiting around for that. Until then catch me keeping it real,
Peace & Love.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
interesting pictures
so, I recently discovered there was a rumor going around that some risque pictures of me were circling the inter web... for clarification there are no half-naked pictures of me in existence; therefore, the photograph is simply someone who resembles me I suppose. I'm not mad at all, just a bit disappointed that my guys couldn't bring it to me. It's cool though it added a bit of humor to my night. Next time someone isn't sure about such matters, please just ask.
Peace & Love.
Monday, March 16, 2009
surprise, surprise
After a long week, me and a few friends decided to hit up independent bar last saturday over in downtown Orlando. To my surprise the bar was mostly marketed toward the gay community. Not that I'm against being gay in any way, but seeing my math teacher Stacy there making out with a girl wasn't anything I was expecting. Needless to say it was quite an eventful night that ended with some ganja and chocolate cake :) If anyone knows of any clubs in the Orlando area that play some sweet 80's jams and/or some new wave shit you can dance to let me know. As for this week, it should be another Full Sail jammed schedule, yay. I've also decided not to smoke all week; so far so good but talk to me on Saturday.
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
no sleep
So the next 24 hours are going to consist of little to no sleep and all film. After this storytelling class ends at 5 I'm going to try and get some sleep, then wake up at 11 maybe sneak in a quick smoke sesh then off to the 35mm shoot. That should run from 12am until 8:30 and then i'll be off to class at 9 until 1 then finally back to bed. I know what you're thinking, crazy right? Hopefully I'll learn something and pick up a few contacts, all in all it should be a good experience.
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
making sense
I recently made the decision to no longer follow the beliefs of Catholicism. Why you ask? Well, growing up Catholic was fine and all, it gave me some morals to live by and something to believe in, but now I can't find truth in it. In no way do I regret being Catholic and in no way do I resent my parents for raising me Catholic; I merely just want to seek out something that makes more sense to me. I still believe in an ultimate creator and I believe that after death something happens, whether it be reincarnation or going to a heavenly place I'm not sure. I've been looking into Taoism and next I plan on looking into Buddhism. The ultimate goal for me is to find something that I truly believe in so any advice or encouragement will be taken in with open arms. Thanks again for reading, as always,
Peace & Love.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I can't sleep. I just had a thought about relationships. Whenever you meet someone new your like wow this person is really great and then you start dating. Then, even though you both are crazy about each other, somehow things get bad and then that's it someone gives up. So question, if you can pin point the moment right before it went bad and get back to that couldn't you just fix it? On the other hand, couldn't you see that before it happens in a new relationship and just fix it so nothing ever goes bad. Is mankind turning into a species that is so distracted by technology and being pleased that we forget how to fight for something we love? We let "work" come first or whatever pathetic excuse it is we come up with. I just don't get it, why hasn't anyone figured this problem out yet, do I have to do everything around here haha. I don't know maybe it's the reefer check ya later.
Peace & Love
Sunday, March 1, 2009
one more month
Finally, we're in a new month. Glad to be out of Lighting and even more glad to be out of Public Speaking! Now we're on to Sound for Film and my personal favorite, Story Telling! WOOT WOOT!!! I'm excited for these next couple of months hopefully the other half of the September film students will stay with us :) I miss having class with my roommate, Brooke. Looking forward to learning some really cool stuff with some really cool people. Soon we'll be in April and I'll be heading back to Massachusetts for my birthday; I can't wait to see my family & friends. By then I should actually have a new cousin, baby Zoey! March needs to go by fast, well, maybe not too fast.
Peace & Love.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
the perfect catch
Today, thanks to my good old friend Katya, I received news that No Doubt tickets went on sale. For those of you who didn't know, No Doubt will be going on their last tour this summer and I will be attending. That's right, Brooke and I hopped on that shit like spider monkeys and got some pre-sale pit tickets. So if your going to be there look out for us in the pit hahah! Now off to bed, wouldn't want to be tired for my lighting lab final. Wish me luck!
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I'm starting to forget what it's like to get a good 8 hour sleep. The past few days have been busy busy. From finals, to essays, to presentations I feel like I'm all over the place. I haven't even had time to get my ear checked out which is so sad because it hurts a lot. I tried to get it checked today but no one wanted to except my insurance; bull shit! My vavo said she would pay it for me on the counts she doesn't want me going deaf haha. She's great I'm so glad she's here for the month. I definitely still miss a lot of people back home though. I can't believe I'm missing Lellean's house party!!! AGHHH man we've had that thing planned since middle school, shit. I hope whoever does goes is respectful to the house and I hope they all have a kick-ass time; I know I would. Shayna don't get too wasted you crazy bitch! Well I love you all and as always,
Peace & Love.
Monday, February 23, 2009
busy bee
yep thats me. I have sooo much going on this week. 3 finals, 2 school projects, some side projects, and a social life. When am I going to have time for all of this? That's Full Sail for ya. Anyway, if you didn't catch the Oscars last night I'm glad to announce that Kate Winslet took home Lead Actress, finally! Sean Penn took Lead Actor, and although I haven't seen Best Picture, Slumdog Millionaire, I still think Milk should have took it home. Either way congrats to all the winners, hopefully some day I'll be up there giving my acceptance speech. HA! Well I'm off to lighting lab to do some low-budget lighting techniques, fun fun. As always thanks for reading.
Peace & Love.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Safe to say...
..that I do not like wizard rock. I was just down at the Holiday Inn over in Orlando watching a series of performances of some wizard rock. If you're not familiar with the genre it's basically a bunch of pop-rock songs that are all about things of the Harry Potter world. I mean more power to all the kids who showed up decked out with their HP gear, but wizard rock just isn't for me. I went to support my good friend Ally's love for the music, little did we know what we were getting ourselves into. Then after a long ride back, close to home, we got a flat:( After a long day I'm glad to say I'm home and ready to toke up some more. Looking forward to a late night smoke session with some friends. Well, thats all for tonight.
Peace & Love.
Friday, February 20, 2009
feeling good
So I made a pretty big decision this week and I have to say I'm really happy I did. I was feeling really stressed out and it was making me feel sick, but now I feel a lot better. Although, I did spend my entire day making a powerpoint and tomorrow I have to present it...YIKES! not looking forward to that at all. Plan on seeing me real zoned for the next 24 hours haha.
I would also like to put out there that I'm glad my friend Danny had a good birthday, hopefully I will be able to make everyone after that even better! I'll be looking out for those pictures and my letter ;)
todays question: who would be down for some gold ole' fashion flashlight tag?
Peace & Love.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
i am?
I am not in elementary school, so why, in my college public speaking class, am I writing "I am" poems and deciding which each letter of my name represents about me? Here's a poem for you public... I am higher then the clouds, but my eyes are lower then the ground. haha
In all seriousness however, I am happy to say that today marks a very important day. Today is the 23rd year my very new and special friend, Danny Gaspar, has been alive. Happy Birthday you old man! Tonight go out and celebrate; light up or pop a bottle. Salut, wish I was right there with you :)
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About Me

- alicia cabral
- I like to write. When I'm not writing I'm thinking of the next thing I could write. People who don't read worry me. I help keep the planet clean, you should too. Full Sail takes up a lot of my time.