Tuesday, August 18, 2009
big fish
I'm about to watch it for the first time; and yes I'm ashamed that I haven't seen it up until now. Well another Burton masterpiece, here we go!
Monday, August 3, 2009
too hot to do anything
So I'm going to say that living in florida in the summer is a terrible idea. It's unbelievably hot & thanks to school taking up 90% of my time, it's also completely BUSY. The combination of these unfortunate up comings is the reason to why I haven't blogged in a while. I've been so consumed by school and other projects that I unfortunately don't have the time; which makes me really sad because I know some of my family & friends do check it.
Beside that I'm in my first day of make-up for motion pictures and so far it seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what some of my peers will do.
Incase you were wondering, my smokey sunday blog has come to an end :/ With no time to even write for my blog you can see why I had to say my goodbye's to HAADCORE. No worries though I have a few ideas in the mix and hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be launching my own website, which will feature a blog section that included numerous writers/bloggers.
Anyway, I guess it's best if for me to start paying uh ten shun :p
Peace & Love.
Beside that I'm in my first day of make-up for motion pictures and so far it seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what some of my peers will do.
Incase you were wondering, my smokey sunday blog has come to an end :/ With no time to even write for my blog you can see why I had to say my goodbye's to HAADCORE. No worries though I have a few ideas in the mix and hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be launching my own website, which will feature a blog section that included numerous writers/bloggers.
Anyway, I guess it's best if for me to start paying uh ten shun :p
Peace & Love.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
i know, i know..
ok, so I know I've pretty much been sucking at the whole blog thing but I can't lie it's been a bit busy. In fact, it's been so busy that I really don't have the energy to brain power to try and write a decent blog so I figure today I'll take a new approach... I know I've mentioned my D90 before but I have yet to post any pictures; well the wait is over! Here is a bunch of photo's I've taken with the new cam :) The photos show what I've been up to from the start of summer break up to this week!

Spent a few days in Boston :)

Shayna's grad party!

Some shots from the set of Mini This..

Spent a few days in Boston :)
Shayna's grad party!
Some shots from the set of Mini This..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
like whoa.
So if you're an avid reader then you've probably been thinking why I haven't posted so long; truth is I've been hella busy. This month has been pretty much dedicated to Full Sail. All month ive had class except on Sundays, which has sucked greatly. Good thing about this month was that we finally were taught after effects!!! Right now so many people that are coming up in the industry are all about motion graphics so I was really excited to learn it, unfortunately when you learn something such as AE in a school environment you don't necessarily learn it the way you'd hoped you would. Either way its been a hectic month and I can't wait for my next vacation...for those of you who have a life and don't go to Full Sail, that will start June 26th. I'm really excited to be going home this time more so than usually because my roommate, Brooke, is coming up with me and we plan on making the trip one big party :) But of course, I miss everyone back home as well and it will be fun to be back in New England!!!
If you follow regularly you must be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures off my D90 and the reason for that is, b&h photo sent my camera to its billing address (back in Mass) rather than the SHIPPING address so, my camera is unfortunately at my parents house. Of course when I found this out I was furious, but we don't have to get into that... Needless to say, there's another reason I can't wait to get out of this damn city and get home!
Well that's all I got for you as of now, I have to get back to After Effects and editing. Today all of our projects we've worked on from last month (digital cinematography) are due so I've just been cuttin and choppin these past few days like mad. Thankfully tomorrow we have no classes and I plan on getting a bunch of people together and heading down to Cocoa Beach for some fun-in-the-sun and possibly even a little cookout right on the beach! Well wish me luck and as always,
Peace & Love.
If you follow regularly you must be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures off my D90 and the reason for that is, b&h photo sent my camera to its billing address (back in Mass) rather than the SHIPPING address so, my camera is unfortunately at my parents house. Of course when I found this out I was furious, but we don't have to get into that... Needless to say, there's another reason I can't wait to get out of this damn city and get home!
Well that's all I got for you as of now, I have to get back to After Effects and editing. Today all of our projects we've worked on from last month (digital cinematography) are due so I've just been cuttin and choppin these past few days like mad. Thankfully tomorrow we have no classes and I plan on getting a bunch of people together and heading down to Cocoa Beach for some fun-in-the-sun and possibly even a little cookout right on the beach! Well wish me luck and as always,
Peace & Love.
Monday, June 8, 2009
insert up-beat sound clip here
What's up everyone? So FINALLY, I'm crazy excited to say that I've made the purchase; the D90 will be in on friday!!! I ended up getting it through b&h photo for about 100$ bucks cheaper than ritz along with getting another 50$ buckaroos off on a standard 18-105mm lens. So if you do the math (not to be mistaken with meth) I guess you could say I basically got the 3 years warranty for free which was a sweet deal. I'm really anxious for it to come in, it's pretty much been on my wish list since January, but I've had the time to do my research and I'm ready to mess around with the setting and different exposures and such. I really want to mess around with HDR (high dynamic range) photography; thankfully, my beautiful camera supports RAW files which will allow me to bring the files into photoshop and have some fun. Needless to say, look out for some sweet pictures and projects I should be posting within the month :)

In some more great news season 5 of the showtime series, Weeds, kicked off tonight, woohoo! I gotta say, if you haven't given it a shot yet please, I strongly encourage everyone to watch a few episodes you'll probably be completely obsessed with it..or at least like it.
Also, incase you're looking for some more sweet news head over to haadcore.blogspot.com/ ...I recently started writing a sunday blog for them called SMOKY SUNDAYS! ha, well that's all for now...
Peace & Love.

In some more great news season 5 of the showtime series, Weeds, kicked off tonight, woohoo! I gotta say, if you haven't given it a shot yet please, I strongly encourage everyone to watch a few episodes you'll probably be completely obsessed with it..or at least like it.
Also, incase you're looking for some more sweet news head over to haadcore.blogspot.com/ ...I recently started writing a sunday blog for them called SMOKY SUNDAYS! ha, well that's all for now...
Peace & Love.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
give it up for NO DOUBT ya'll
So if you've been reading you'd know that i hit up the no doubt show over in tampa and I have to say, WOW! I expected that the show was going to be awesome, but I was wrong it was fucking fantastic. Everything down to the wardrobe, to back drop, to the overall energy was completely on point. I've been to a lot of really great shows, but honestly No Doubt takes it; Gwen Stefani is by far one of my favorite people on Earth.
Didn't have a camera at the show but luckily my new enV3 came in and I was able to grab a few decent shots. Check em out:

As for school I just started Documentary and Editing class so it should be a good month. Also as I stated earlier, I finally have the enV3 so if you were having trouble getting in touch with me it should be no problemo now :) Keep it real, and as always..
Peace & Love
Didn't have a camera at the show but luckily my new enV3 came in and I was able to grab a few decent shots. Check em out:

As for school I just started Documentary and Editing class so it should be a good month. Also as I stated earlier, I finally have the enV3 so if you were having trouble getting in touch with me it should be no problemo now :) Keep it real, and as always..
Peace & Love
Saturday, May 23, 2009
feels good to be home!
as always. Last night hit we all hit up club hell, unfortunately it lacked the presence of its usual crowd making it pretty lame.
(here's a pic of me and my sister Shayna that was taken at some point last night, couldn' tell exactly which one though)

We took off around 1230 then we headed back to good ol' Jon's house for some toke :) As for tonight I plan on heading to Sam's house for a fire and some good times with some of my favorite people. Well, this is gonna be a short one cos im getting hungry and there is some beautiful cale soup from Academica waiting for me in my kitchen :p
Peace & Love.
(here's a pic of me and my sister Shayna that was taken at some point last night, couldn' tell exactly which one though)

We took off around 1230 then we headed back to good ol' Jon's house for some toke :) As for tonight I plan on heading to Sam's house for a fire and some good times with some of my favorite people. Well, this is gonna be a short one cos im getting hungry and there is some beautiful cale soup from Academica waiting for me in my kitchen :p
Peace & Love.
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